Company Details

Bio Weingut Zahel

Information in agreement with Media Law (“Mediengesetz”) § 25
and E-Commerce-Law (“E-Commerce-Gesetz”) § 5

Responsibility for Website Contents:
Bio Weingut Zahel GmbH
Maurer Hauptplatz 9
1230 Wien

T +43 1 890 05 81
F +43 1 890 05 81 10

VAT-ID-Nr. ATU 69162648
Commercial Register Nr. FN425351t
Commercial Court (Handelsgericht) Vienna

Purpose of the company

Production and sales of organic wine

Under Supervision of the following authority according to ECG

District magistrate’s office for Vienna’s 23rd district, Austria

Applicable Legislation

ECG, GewO, wine law, available at

Bank details

Oberbank AG
BLZ 15000
Account Nr. 4781028131
Swiftcode: OBKLAT2L
IBAN: AT18 1500 0047 8102 8131

Concept, design & technical implementation

moodley brand identity

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