Zahel – On solid ground

On solid

The right soil structure is the basis for every wine. Each grape varietal has its own preferences and the character of each wine relies on a particular terroir.

On solid ground

The right soil structure is the basis for every wine. Each grape varietal has its own preferences and the character of each wine relies on a particular terroir.

With its varied terroir, Vienna is perfectly suited for exciting, multi-faceted wines. Our vineyards are found in all of the city’s key growing regions, each with its own unique character. Each single vineyard has its own profile. Not one is like another.

Zahel – On solid ground

Flysch Sandstone and Dolomite Chalk

Vienna’s best Vineyards

Vienna’s best Vineyards


Mauer is located in the southwestern most winegrowing region of Vienna. Here, the topsoil consists primarily of sandy loam and Flysch sandstone, with chalk-rich Dolomite limestone in the subsoil.

In addition to the geological conditions, Mauer terroir is influenced by the warm thermal region to the south, and the cool Viennese Forest to the West and offers excellent conditions for both red and white wines.


Single Vineyards:

Reisberg, Kadolzberg, Kroissberg, Sätzen

Key Varietals:

Wiener Gemischter Satz, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Orangetraube, St. Laurent, Pinot Noir


The Laaerberg in Oberlaa is Vienna’s highest terrace (270 meters), formed during the last ice age. Located in the southeastern section of the city, Oberlaa is also Vienna’s smallest winegrowing region with approximately 30 hectares under vine.

The local soil structure is comprised of rich loam and ice-age gravel while the climate is influenced by the warmer Pannonian region to the south. This terroir provides an ideal basis for stony, elegant wines.


Single Vineyards:

Goldberg, Weichseltalen, Johannispointen

Key Varietals:

Wiener Gemischter Satz, Grüner Veltliner, Blaufränkisch


Vienna’s most renowned wine region is located in the city’s northeast section. It’s highest hills – Kahlenberg and Leopoldsberg – are actually the last foothills of the Alps and feature Vienna’s highest elevations. Close proximity to the Danube River offers a unique, slightly cooler microclimate.

Nussberg’s soil structure is stoniest of the Viennese wine growing regions, characterized by a weathered shell-limestone floor and sandy clay/loam terraces. The geological formation of this region dates back to the same age as French growing regions Burgundy and Champagne.


Single Vineyards:

Preussen, Kaasgraben, Schenkenberg, Oberer Schoß

Key Varietals:

Wiener Gemischter Satz, Grüner Veltliner, Riesling

Zahel – Winery and Heuriger

Terroir lays the groundwork for our wines. Understanding how its unique character influences a wine, along with knowledge of individual grape varietals and respect for nature and craftsmanship, it provides the basis for exciting wines that bring joy and a sense of place to your glass.

Zahel – On solid ground

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